Society dictates that anything outside of “acceptable” norms is designated a fetish. The Oxford English Dictionary terms it as “A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.” but in essence, there is no norm as to what we prefer. For some they prefer slim, large, blonde, brunette and for others those preferences extend to many other body types or acts, clothing which is diverse, as are people. Who is to say what a “fetish” is, really.

Regardless of our specific preferences, they can sometimes cause issues if they become compulsive and begin to take over our thoughts, lives and interfere with relationships, work, daily life and also finances.

As with any issue from anger management to anxiety to food, when anything becomes counter productive to your equilibrium, managing it and reducing the compulsion or issue to enable you to enjoy other aspects of life which are important to you is paramount. Our approach is not “stop” the preference you have, it is simply to introduce measures to enable to you manage it and engage when YOU wish to and not from a “need” to. It is the reintroduction of choice.

I have worked with clients who had become unable to have sex with their partner unless they were wearing a specific item, clients who had what they termed as a fetish “addiction” either to a set of acts or providers, preferences which had taken over from BDSM to MUD, physique and many other individual desires. In your sessions, the aim is to recover the root cause of the issue, where the preference has begun to cause issues. The sessions are a combination of therapeutic conversation in order to allow you conscious awareness of what is driving the problem and also a set of management protocols designed for you. those protocols are to establish the triggers of the behviour and divert it, creating a choice. It gives you two advantages.

  1. To allow you complete awareness of why the issue is happening which gives you a conscious choice and to feel more in control
  2. A set of strategies you can use to divert the behaviour, which then reduce the sense of overwhelm and give you time to make a choice of what you want to do or “should” do.

If you would like a confidential consultation please email directly and it can be assessed if this is the right mode of intervention for you and if not, a referral can be suggested.

In the other pages, common issues are related and also the format used for our sessions including a session price guide. Skype, voice calls, email support and individual vs monthly support sessions are covered.